Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok, I literally have less than 5 minutes of internet time to tell you all the mayhem that has been my life in just this first week. I am currently living in Namaacha, Mozambique, rural town on the border with Swaziland.  I coexist with chickens, which is a first, and learned to embrace the 4am rooster calls.  I have two host brothers who are 16 and 10, and a host mom...lets just say rice and beans are my most frequented dish.  Bucket bathing is AMAZING, I love it, its my new favorite, conserves so much water and feels great.  Portugese is coming along, hopefully next time ill be able to throw in some phrases with confidence.

In just this first week, I am finding beauty in places where a month ago I would have never been able too.  Things happen in flashes, much like the thunderstorms that have been happening these past couple of nights, frightening yet beautiful.

well, times up. much <3